Private Clouds

Private Clouds

Put your own cloud in the sky

Cloud too crowded for you? Then build, manage, and have total control over your own cloud of virtual servers for reliable, consistent performance along with unmatched scalability. DWTI bare metal servers provide the ideal, scalable, secure, high-performance infrastructure for running the virtualization technology of your choice, letting you create virtual servers on your own terms.


Avoid Noisy Neighbors

In public cloud environments, resources are shared among multiple customers. You have guaranteed access to compute and storage resources, but if someone else on your public cloud node is consuming their resources at the same time, your virtual server’s performance may vary. In a private cloud environment, you get the scalability and flexibility of public cloud, and you don’t have to worry about noisy neighbors.


Simplify Web App Development and Deployment

Burst instantly to meet increased demand, scale incrementally, and optimize resource usage in your own cloud environment. Private clouds provide an easier, more efficient solution to cumbersome and compute-intensive infrastructure by balancing workloads across your entire infrastructure.


Get Started Quickly

To create your own private cloud, just provision your hardware infrastructure and install your choice of virtualization software as your cloud computing hypervisor. It’s that easy. Add new host servers to your environment in only a few hours, and spin up virtual servers in real time. Be prepared for and quickly respond to traffic spikes during peak season, and easily scale back during slower periods.


Expand Geographically

Scale up your hardware footprint to create new cloud zones in data centers around the world, and have them communicate freely and securely over our private network. Because your private cloud lives on the DWTI platform, you can seamlessly add any of our other products or services to your environment with a few mouse clicks—from firewalls and network appliances to big data solutions and external storage options.

Create Your Own Private Cloud

No two private cloud deployments are the same. DWTI allows you to design (and only pay for) the infrastructure your that solution requires. Here are some of the typical components you’ll find in many private clouds.

Load Balancing

Increase application or site availability and performance by distributing traffic across local or globally diverse resources.

Application Servers

Power applications with robust physical dedicated servers for fast response times.

Web Servers

Scale virtual cloud servers on-demand to meet site load requirements during traffic spikes.

Content Delivery Network

Put content on 24 nodes throughout the cloud, keeping it closer to end users to minimize the distance the data has to travel.

Hardware Firewall

Protect servers from malicious activity with enterprise-grade firewalls provisioned on demand.

Virtually Any Virtualization

Deploy the virtualization solution of your choice on top of DWTI bare metal servers

Bring your own hypervisor, or select one of the industry-leading virtualization solutions available from DWTI. If you choose one of the virtualization solutions we offer, we’ll install it with your server order, and you can manage it through our customer portal and the solution’s control tools.

Compare Available Virtualization Solutions

Full support anytime

Assistance, advice, and expertise

Our services are a fusion of the most powerful infrastructure and a top team of experts. This is why we can boldly offer technical support at any time, regardless of time zones or holidays.
