Bare Metal Servers
Speed, power, and flexibility. Just switch On.
Monthly? Daily? Hourly? Select a bare metal server configuration of your choice. The rest will appear as if by magic. You don’t need to adapt to DWTI. Ever. Whichever your business needs dictate, we provide. Processor-intensive and disk I/O-intensive workloads? Complete package of features and services? Configure your server to your exact specifications via our portal or API and deploy in real time to any DWTI data center.
Choose from entry-level single proc servers to quad proc, hex-core, and even GPU-powered workhorses.
Fully customize your bare metal server with RAM, SSD hard drives, network uplinks, and much more.
On Demand
Order a standard-configuration hourly bare metal server and have it online in 20-30 minutes.
Build Your Bare Metal Server to Spec
The process of choosing and configuring a bare metal server might seem intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be.
1. Choose a processor that best meets your performance needs.
2. Upgrade from a base config to fine tune the hardware to your workload.
3. DWTI deploys your server as configured within 2 to 4 hours.
4. Upgrade resources as you might need, on demand, via our Web portal or API.
If you have questions about configuring your bare metal server, chat with our team, and we’ll help guide you through the process of selecting a server and customizing it with hardware upgrades.
Transparent Hardware Pricing
Customize the hardware resources in your monthly bare metal servers.
Hourly bare metal servers are built on fixed, pre-configured hardware to enable faster provisioning times, so hardware on hourly bare metal servers cannot be modified.
Please note: Some server models do not support all hardware upgrades.
Configure your bare metal server with cutting-edge Intel server-grade processors. Outfit your 1U, 2U, or 4U bare metal server with up to four CPUs to maximize your processing power.
Local Disk
Whether you’ve got a need for SSD speed or requirements for massive local disk volume, you have the option to add and upgrade the hard drives on your bare metal server.
SATA Hard Drives
SATA II hard drives include a 3.0Gb/s interface with 8MB of cache and rotation speed of 7,200RPMs, and use NCQ for enhanced performance.
SATA III drives include a 6.0Gb/s interface with 64MB of cache. SATA drives are best suited for the web, mail, or high-capacity storage servers.
SA-SCSI Hard Drives
SA-SCSI hard drives include a 3.0Gb/s interface with 16MB of cache and rotation speed of 10,000 or 15,000RPMs.
SA-SCSI drives’ high-performance speed and reliability are best suited for game, database, streaming media, and mission-critical servers.
Solid State Drives
Choose server-class solid state drives (SSDs) for exceptional read/write performance and low latency.
SSDs provide reliable and secure enterprise-class storage ideal for high-performance and data-intensive applications.
Hardware RAID Controller
Hardware RAID controllers provide the ability to create redundant drive arrays, offering protection against a possible drive failure.
All RAID controllers are installed with a battery backup unit and with write caching enabled.
Add up to 3TB of RAM capacity during initial deployment or at any time during the life of your server.
The more RAM you add to your server, the better per-GB price you pay.
Order up to 20TB of public outbound bandwidth to bring your bandwidth costs down to less than $0.075/GB.
500GB bandwidth included with monthly bare metal servers. Get the fastest, most reliable bandwidth in your region, and pay for what you need.
Network Uplink
Your bare metal server comes with 100Mbps public and private network uplinks, and you have the flexibility to upgrade or downgrade that connection based on your workloads.
Redundant Power Supplies
Your critical systems require utmost redundancy.
Add an additional safeguard to protect your high-value servers from service interruption in the event of a power supply failure.
Intel® Trusted Execution Technology
Add an additional layer of security with Intel® TXT, and build a solid foundation for a secure infrastructure.
Available on specific bare metal servers, this technology ensures systems start up in a known good state.
Additional Server Options
In addition to standard hardware configuration options, we offer several premium server options on monthly bare metal servers for your most demanding workloads. Supercharge your compute-intensive application with GPUs, maximize your storage volume with more than a dozen hard drives, or cut down on inter-server latency by provisioning your servers in the same physical rack. You want it; we’ve got it.
General Purpose GPU (for High-Performance Computing)
Amp up the performance on your compute-intensive applications with high performance computing bare metal server featuring NVIDIA Tesla Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). GPUs work in conjunction with your server’s CPUs to accelerate data processing and deliver unparalleled results, whether you’re data mining, performing numerical and seismic analysis, or processing and rendering 3D video.

Mass Storage Servers
You’ve got tons of data, and you need space.
Mass storage servers accommodate up to 36 internal hard drives and can be provisioned with your choice of operating system or as a turnkey NAS + SAN storage solution with OS NEXUS Quantastor Software.
Dedicated Rack
Physically locate multiple servers in the same physical rack. Data transfer between servers in a dedicated rack environment is almost instantaneous so that you can minimize your inter-server network latency.
Included Features and Services
All bare metal servers come with a comprehensive set of features and services. With these features included at no additional cost, you can accelerate deployment and optimize your total cost of operation.
- 500GB/month Outbound Public Bandwidth
- Unlimited Inbound Public Bandwidth
- Unlimited Private Network (Server-to-Server) Bandwidth
- 100Mbps Public and Private Network Ports (upgradable to 10Gbps*)
- Private VLAN via Public & Private Network
- Geographically Redundant DNS
- Dual-Stack IPv4 and IPv6 Capable
- 24x7x365 Onsite Security
- Proximity and Biometric Access Control
- Digital Security Video Surveillance
- Access to DWTI SOC II Report
- Operating System
- Virtualization
- Security
- Database
- Control Panel
Developer Tools
- DWTI Development Network
- Digital Transcoding
- Email Delivery Service
- Message Queue and Notification Service
System Management
- Advanced System Reporting
- Automated OS Reloads
- Hardware Identification
- Remote Reboot & Console Access
- Flex Images
- Nimsoft Monitoring
- Image Import/Export Tool
- PassMark BurnIn Test Certification
- Rescue Kernel
- 24x7x365 Online and Phone Support
- 24x7x365 Data Center Staffing
- Advanced Resolution System
- Trouble Ticketing System