Shapeshifting to Meet Your Needs

Ever seen people get excited by storage? We do when customers see that we have all and any storage option out there! Standalone or secondary storage for a server; an out-of-the-box storage solution; components to create your own storage solution; big storage; fast storage; attached storage; geographically-dispersed storage.

Don’t think options. Think about your business needs and choose the cloud storage option that meets your needs for security, redundancy, reliability, and flexibility.


Your data doesn’t have to cross half the world to get to cloud storage. Being global means we have a location close to you so that data transfer is always optimal.


Want more space? Want less space? Want storage that varies wildly? With DWTI, your capacity is always what you want it to be with little or no interruption to your service.


No workload is not workable for us. We offer a full range of storage technologies—from components to full solutions—to suit your business needs.

Object Storage

Dedicated storage for unstructured data

Organize and manage media, emails and images with a highly scalable storage solution based on OpenStack Swift. With pay-as-you-go pricing, get the capacity you need when you need it.

Block Storage

Block-level SAN storage has never looked so good

DWTI has provided native IPv6 support to our Exercise complete control over your persistent storage with iSCSI-based block storage. With up to 12TB in capacity, you can customize your storage environment to suit your workloads.

Endurance block storage includes snapshot and replication capabilities and can be provisioned in one of three performance tiers to meet most block-level storage needs. If your high-I/O application needs more power, Performance block storage is available with up to 6,000 allocated IOPS per volume.

File Storage

Upgrade your cloud file cabinet with file-level NAS storage

Your files deserve high-performance, feature-rich NFS-based file storage.

With file share capacities available up to 12TB, DWTI file storage can be provisioned with snapshot and replication support (Endurance) or with unparalleled IOPS allocations (Performance) to meet the storage needs of even the most demanding workloads.

Mass Storage Servers

Store Everything

Get total control over a SAN or NAS solution. Deploy OS NEXUS QuantaStor turnkey solution, or customize high-capacity bare metal servers to fit your requirements.


Maintain A Backup In Case Of Data Corruption Or Loss

Automatically backup data with an enterprise-level storage and disaster recovery solution.

Starting at $7 per month, it is far less expensive than having to recreate data from scratch.

Content Delivery Network

Deliver Content to Your Users Faster Without The Extra Fees

Distribute your content in 24 geographically diverse nodes for an exceptional end-user experience.

After the first request, content is stored on the network for others to access it. You only pay for the bandwidth used.


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