When Faster Comes At No Additional Cost

If the end user satisfaction matters to you, there is no better way to impress them. DWTI allows you to distribute your content in 24 geographically diverse nodes at incredible speeds.

How we do it? After the first request, content is stored on the network for others to access it. Is it expensive? DWTI clients only pay for the bandwidth used.

Cost Effective

Pay-as-you-go bandwidth lets you meet user demand without having to pay for underutilized capacity.


Smarter Scaling

Populate and scale nodes based on regional demand and resource usage.


Streamlined tools for managing content and content monetization protects your digital rights.


The EdgeCast CDN provides 24 content delivery nodes around the world, in addition to the DWTI global footprint of 13 data centers and 17 additional network points of presence.


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